It's the nearly the last day of August and this morning while walking to work, I smelled the beach for the first time in more than a year. It was like Proust's episode with the madlines, except less French by nature. More than just the beach, which is an olfactory amalgam of salt and seaweed and beach-roses and beachgrass, fish, and sunlight (which has a scent, I'm convinced), it smelled of the sand, of pressing your face into hot sand on a hot-as-balls day in July. However, it is August and I am very 900 some miles or so, 934 miles to be more exact) far away from the beach, which really should be Beach with a capital B because there are, technically, other beaches, but no other beach that has the home feeling or home scent of Bonnet Shores. So I was kind of thrown by that. Right now I'm in the bookstore and transcribing entries into the Irish folklore database
Just did this one, which there are probably errors on, but, that's what I get for not taking Irish at Notre Dame. I tried, to be fair, just not very's hard to learn a language that uses the Roman alphabet but has everything make different sounds because fuck the sounds they usually make for English speakers. I mean, German does that for some letters, yeah, but it's kind of predictable, Irish is just like, well, do we really want to use our own typeface (in which it makes marginally more sense)? No, fine then, we'll just use this one, but...everything should sound different, because fuck it.
Anyhow, it's kind of a fun website if you're interested in folkore studies and things like that...which I am. Not enough to get a degree in Folkloristics, I think (though this is also because I completely fucked up my attempt at an MA in English, which fucked my GPA pretty hard, so grad school would be...difficult at this juncture)...but...anyway, I should probably pretend to work and sweep up the place.